Have you ever experienced a moment when you feel self-empowered with many possibilities ahead? The state of empowerment to me is kind of an ideal scene that hardly has the chance to come true in reality especially where supervision, favoritisms and hierarchical powers supersede the situation we are in. Recently, I have a totally new joy of experiencing self-empowerment with a little breakthrough in my work.
Recently I joined a company program to Mandai Mudflats. It was a non-work related voluntary program saving Horseshoe Crab. I wasn’t really attracted by the crabs ( :D ) neither did I try to be an animal rescuer. In fact, I was scare thinking of those sharp pincers, walking legs and wasn’t sure if I would be brave enough to even touch a live one. So, what drived me to join the program..? It was the data collection that mentioned in the invitation email. Having finished the DSI in mid of May, I was looking for program or task that I would have the chance to practise data science skills in any mean. While this one didn’t seem to have much data analytical works, it was interesting to understand what kind of data was involved and how the data collection would be done for such environmental preserve program. It was my first outdoor data collection experience with Nature Society Singapore (NSS) in a mud field!
18th May 2018. A day to remember in which I completed Data Science Immersive course with General Assembly. It’s such a mix feeling approaching the end of the course. On one side, I’m glad that I can finally go back to a healthier and normal life style with less coffee and more sleep times. On the other side, I’m kind of missing the full attention periods with least interruption that I can concentrate studying topics of my interest. From someone who knows little about coding to someone who has a little webpage of my own with portfolio projects, I can now say it is really DO-able :) It is such an amazing journey with joys and pains that I treasure and will definitely remember the moments…
Approaching the graduation of a data science immersive course, I’ve been forwarded and reading a few articles lately concerning the topics about the fear of data science and its analytical works to be taken over by powerful AI platforms. There were also a few articles circulating around describing data scientist could be potentially very soon no longer the demanding one in the job market. While it’s probably good to stay alert and be aware of how the working eco-system has now changed, we shouldn’t be too concerned that what we’ve learned through the entire course will be of somewhat wasted due to the fact that it can now easily be done through intelligent, user-friendly, automated powerful software.